Another mass murder in an American school. It’s heartbreaking. It’s a disgrace. The blame largely belongs to politicians, who whore themselves to the gun lobby. The solution is straightforward. Vote out politicians that accept dirty money from the NRA. Scumbag politicians that proudly display their ‘A’ ratings from the NRA are showing us their true colors. They vote consistently against any kind of legislative action that could limit the profitability of the gun industry. They can’t hide. We know who they are. The solution is straightforward. VOTE OUT POLITICIANS that put fealty to the NRA ahead of public safety. Identify the dirty money gun whores. Vote them out. Vote them out.
It’s particularly important for millennials, who have been sitting on the political sidelines to step up and vote. Vote for politicians, who don’t accept dirty campaign money… vote for politicians, who will put the common good over special interests.
Common sense gun regulation is sorely needed. The quickest way to get that done is to vote out politicians that are owned by the NRA. End of story.
Addendum: Since I first wrote this blog five days ago, a remarkable movement has emerged in response to the recent mass gun murder at Parkland, Florida. The teen students that experienced the horror first hand, and lived to tell about it have spawned a mass movement…a movement that has rapidly spread across America. They are angry. They are determined. They know the identity of the vile politicians that have been taking money from the National Rifle Association, and they have vowed to hound the NRA whores from office. Very exciting to watch this unfold. I hope these kids can sustain what they have started. If they are truly ready to take ownership of their own future, they will have a powerful impact on the mid-term election coming up in November 2018.