I remember hearing this simple aphorism about kindness when I was a young child. .. Kindness is the best virtue. Over and over, in so many ways, I heard it. I have never been close to being a paragon of virtue, but I believe I do have kindness close to the core of my being. Being kind makes me happy. I feel good when I see another person act kindly. I feel even better when I’ve behaved that way myself. That’s not to say I always get things right, but I feel no arrogance or shame in saying,… no principle beyond kindness runs deeper in my soul.
Often, acts of kindness deliver no tangible reward. Unfortunately, that fact turns a minority of hearts to stone. I feel sad for people like that. They miss the fact that kindness is its own reward.
All good qualities spin off nicely when you start with genuine kindness.
“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness”
Dalai Lama, Tibetan Spiritual Leader
Originally published www.ecstatictruthpdx.blogspot.com 5/14/2012