Consciousness is one of the most profound mysteries in life. For the longest time, science has assumed that consciousness resides in the brain. The problem is there are no structures in the brain that account for consciousness, critical thinking, memories, or knowledge. Robert Lanza, a physician and one of the world’s leading stem-cell researchers has his own take on consciousness. Lanza’s book, Biocentrism, offers up an alternative view of consciousness. It is deeply entrenched in quality, peer reviewed science but, unlike traditional science, Lanza’s world view allows for human consciousness that exists outside of a person’s physical body. It has nothing to do with religion. I reviewed Lanza’s book, Biocentrism, on 8/28/2017
Another scientist, a Cambridge trained biologist named Rupert Sheldrake offers his own very engaging take on consciousness. On 10/15/2017, I reviewed Sheldrake’s book, The Sense of Being Stared At.
Consciousness Persists After Death: Scientists Confirm People Who Have Died Know They Are Dead